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Electricity supply is carried out on the basis of concluded agreements and in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Electricity Market" (№ 2019-VIII of 13.04.2017) * and the Rules of the retail electricity market (NCRECP resolution 14.03.2018 № 312) *


The conditions and procedure for termination and resumption of electricity supply to the consumer are regulated by Section VII of the Rules of the retail electricity market, which were approved by the Resolution of the NCRECP № 312 of March 14, 2018 (hereinafter - the Rules) *.


The rules stipulate that electricity to a consumer who does not violate its contractual obligations to the transmission system operator and / or distribution system operator and electricity supplier is supplied continuously, except as provided by the terms of contracts concluded by consumers with the electricity supplier and the system operator. -legal acts, including these Rules.


In case of unsatisfactory technical condition of consumers' electrical installations, which threatens accidents, fires and endangers the lives of service personnel, the population and farm animals, in case of non-compliance with the requirements for eliminating deficiencies in electrical installations, an authorized representative of the executive body is responsible. Ukraine, is obliged to issue an instruction to the consumer on immediate (within an hour) cessation of electricity consumption and send a corresponding instruction to the system operator.


Failure by the consumer or the operator of the prescription system entails liability established by the legislation of Ukraine.


Restrictions on electricity consumption should be carried out provided that the necessary levels of reliability and quality of electricity supply to other consumers and subconsumers are maintained.


In the absence of technical feasibility to simultaneously maintain the required levels of reliability and quality of electricity supply to other consumers and subconsumers (due to the application of the relevant power supply scheme), the consumer whose electricity supply should be limited or terminated must provide access to selective disconnection of current collectors with the subsequent sealing of devices of their connection.


In case of non-provision of access for selective disconnection, the system operator must provide power to the sub-consumer facilities according to another scheme before disconnecting the main consumer.


Termination of full or partial supply of electricity to the consumer is carried out:


by the system operator under the condition of warning the consumer not later than 5 working days before the day of disconnection in case:

absence of personnel for maintenance of consumer electrical installations or contract for maintenance of electrical installations (to comply with the order of the representative of the relevant executive body);


non-admission of authorized representatives of the system operator to the consumer's electrical installations, relay protection devices, automation and communication, which provide load regulation in the power system, and / or settlement means of commercial electricity metering located on the consumer's territory;


arrears for provided services for distribution (transmission) of electricity in accordance with the terms of the contract with the system operator;


non-payment of the cost of unaccounted electricity due to violation by the consumer of these Rules, determined in accordance with the law (subject to a court decision on the consumption of unaccounted electricity by the consumer in favor of the system operator);


non-compliance with the order of the representative of the relevant executive body;


expiration, termination or non-conclusion of the contract between the consumer and the system operator;


expiration of the contract between the consumer and the supplier of "last resort" (provided that the consumer has not concluded a contract with another electricity supplier);


violation by the consumer during the performance of works or other activities near the electric networks of the Rules of protection of electric networks, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 4, 1997 № 209 (hereinafter - the Rules of protection of electric networks) *;


Creating improper operating conditions of electrical networks due to failure to preserve electrical networks, creating conditions that may result in accidents due to electric current. Electrical installations and current collectors of the consumer are subject to disconnection, for power supply of which electric networks are used, in respect of which the consumer violates the Rules of protection of electric networks (to fulfill the order of the representative of the relevant executive body);

by the electricity supplier under the condition of warning the consumer not later than 10 working days before the day of disconnection in case:

arrears of payment for consumed electricity in accordance with the terms of the contract with the electricity supplier;

non-admission of authorized representatives of the electricity supplier to the settlement means of commercial electricity metering located on the territory of the consumer.


For a consumer who has been declared bankrupt in accordance with the procedure established by law, the termination of electricity supply in whole or in part in connection with the respective debt shall be carried out without notice in case of a negative balance on the personal account according to the commercial metering the consumer, in respect of whom measures are taken to prevent bankruptcy in the prescribed manner, shall make a timely calculation of the current payment for the consumed electricity, and the repayment of his debt is included in the measures to secure creditors' claims.


Warning about termination of full or partial supply (distribution or transmission) of electricity is issued after establishing the fact of the grounds for these actions and is provided to the consumer by a separate written notice stating the grounds, date and time from which electricity supply will be completely or partially suspended. , name, patronymic, signature of the responsible person to whom the warning was issued.


The date of receipt of such warnings will be the date of their personal delivery, confirmed by the recipient's signature and / or registration of incoming correspondence, or the third calendar day from the date of receipt by the post office where the recipient is served (by registered mail).


Warning about the termination of electricity supply may be provided to the consumer in another way provided by the contract with the electricity supplier and the contract with the system operator or its annexes.


If the reason for termination of electricity supply is the consumer's debt to the relevant retail market participant, the notice of termination of electricity supply shall additionally indicate the amount of debt under the relevant contract and the period for which this debt arose.


If the consumer eliminates violations within the established period, which is duly confirmed in advance (before the day of disconnection), the supply of electricity to the consumer is not terminated.


The system operator shall notify the consumer's electricity supplier and the commercial accounting administrator within one working day after the consumer is notified of the power outage. If the system operator receives a request from the electricity supplier to disconnect the consumer's electrical installation, the system operator must notify the administrator of commercial accounting of the receipt of the relevant request within the day of its receipt.


In case of unauthorized connection of current collectors by the consumer or increase of power value over the value determined by the terms of the contract with the system operator, connection of current collectors outside the settlement means of commercial metering, reduction of electricity quality indicators due to consumer fault. Failure to comply with the order of the authorized representative of the relevant executive body, which relates to the above violations, the system operator has the right without notice to completely terminate the power supply to the consumer after registration in the manner prescribed by these Rules.


In case of detection of the fact of connection of current collectors by the consumer outside the settlement means of commercial accounting, the system operator has the right to terminate the power supply only of unaccounted connection to the electric networks. If it is impossible to eliminate the unaccounted connection during the execution of the act of violation, the power supply is subject to termination of the consumer object as a whole, as stated in the act.


The administrator of commercial accounting and the consumer's electricity supplier shall be notified of the applied measures within one working day. A copy of the act of violation shall be provided to the electricity supplier together with the notification.


The power supply of the consumer's electrical installations may be temporarily interrupted by the system operator for carrying out scheduled works related to the repair of equipment and / or connection of electrical installations of new consumers. The system operator shall notify consumers and electricity suppliers through the mass media and on the website of the system operator about the date, time and duration of the temporary suspension of electricity supply no later than 10 days before the day of its implementation.


In case of emergencies in the electrical installations of the operator of the power supply system of the consumer's electrical installations may be suspended for a time not exceeding the specified by the Rules of arrangement of electrical installations for current collectors of the consumer of the corresponding category. The system operator must inform consumers and electricity suppliers through the media and / or on the system operator's website within 5 days after the occurrence of emergencies about the reasons for the temporary power outage.


Consumers and electricity suppliers may be notified of the temporary disconnection of the consumer's electrical installations through personal pages on the system operator's website or by e-mail, facsimile or other means using information technology in the electronic document management system, if provided by agreement with the system operator.


Upon receipt of the notice of termination of electricity supply, the consumer is obliged to take a set of measures aimed at preventing injuries, death of people and animals, damage to equipment, negative environmental and other consequences.


The power supply of an electrical installation may be terminated by the system operator at the request of the owner of this electrical installation within the period specified by the applicant (in agreement with the system operator) and for the period agreed by the electricity supplier (determined by the electrical installation owner).


The power supply of the consumer's electrical installations shall be terminated by the system operator in accordance with the procedure established by the Transmission System Code and the Distribution System Code.


If the electricity supplier decides to suspend or limit the supply of electricity to the consumer for arrears of electricity consumed, with which one contract is concluded for several consumer facilities, termination or restriction of electricity supply to such consumer may be carried out at all consumer facilities specified in the contract with the electricity supplier.


If a consumer has two or more contracts with two or more electricity suppliers for one object, the termination or restriction of electricity supply to such consumer must be carried out for the full amount of its consumption, regardless of whether one or more electricity suppliers have applied to the system operator. termination or restriction of supply to the consumer.


For enterprises of housing and communal services, housing cooperatives, associations of co-owners of apartment buildings, etc., measures to stop or limit the supply (distribution or transmission) of electricity are carried out primarily in relation to electrical installations for administrative, industrial and service purposes.


For the period of consideration by the court of disputes concerning violation by the consumer of these Rules and / or conditions of contracts, the existence of which is provided by these Rules, termination of electricity supply to such consumer due to the contested fact of violation is not acceptance of the statement of claim for consideration. The opening of proceedings in the case after the disconnection of the consumer is the basis for the resumption of electricity supply.


Restoration of power supply to consumer electrical installations, the power supply of which was interrupted on the grounds specified in paragraphs 7.5 and / or 7.6 of this chapter 7 of the Rules, is carried out by the system operator in the manner prescribed by the Transmission System Code and Distribution Systems Code, within 3 working days in cities and 5 working days in rural areas after receiving from the initiator the disconnection of information on the elimination of violations by the consumer, which is confirmed by the relevant document of the market participant, at the request of which the power supply was cut off. The initiator of such disconnection shall notify the system operator on the day of receipt of such information about the elimination of the reasons for disconnection.


The costs of the system operator for the termination and restoration of electricity to the consumer's electrical installation (reconnection of the electrical installation) are covered by the initiator of these works, which is reimbursed by the consumer if the termination of supply (distribution or transmission) of electricity to the consumer was carried out.


The system operator shall notify the consumer's electricity supplier and the commercial accounting administrator of the execution of such works within one working day after the works on termination or restoration of power supply of the consumer's electrical installations.


Restoration of power supply of an electrical installation, which was disconnected at the request of its owner, is carried out at the request of the owner of this electrical installation within 5 working days after payment by the owner of this electrical installation to the system operator.


Restriction or termination of electricity supply to protected consumers is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the procedure for ensuring the supply of electricity to protected consumers, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.


During the periods determined by the procedure for protection of vulnerable consumers established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, disconnection of electrical installations of vulnerable consumers due to debt is prohibited.


The beginning of the period of protection of vulnerable consumers from disconnection is not a ground for resumption of electricity supply to a vulnerable consumer, whose electrical installation was disconnected in other periods in accordance with the procedure provided for in these Rules.


Removal of indicators of means of measurement of the consumed electric energy


Removal of indicators of means of measurement of the consumed electric power occurs in accordance with the procedure and in accordance with the requirements established by the current legislation of Ukraine, taking into account the contractual conditions.


In case of any questions in this regard, please contact the contact phone number: +38 067 557 47 47, or send your request to the official e-mail address of "CAPITAL-ALLIANCE"


* The list of documents specified in this paragraph can also be found at this link.

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