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Rights, duties and responsibilities of the electricity supplier

1. The electricity supplier has the right to:

1) for timely and full receipt of funds for sold electricity in accordance with the concluded agreements;

2) apply to the system operator for disconnection (restriction) of the consumer's power supply in the cases specified by these Rules, except for the cases of supply to vulnerable consumers specified by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

3) apply to the system operator to restore power to the consumer in the cases specified in these Rules;

4) non-discriminatory access to distribution and transmission systems on the basis of an agreement with the system operator in accordance with the requirements  Transmission System Code,  Code of Distribution Systems  and these Rules;

5) when applying the procedures of change / replacement of the electricity supplier to receive from the system operator information on consumers connected to its system to whom the electricity supplier plans to sell electricity, in the amounts and in the manner specified by these Rules;

6) to receive in accordance with the terms of the contract information from the system operator on the application of schedules for limiting electricity consumption, limiting electricity consumption, emergency shutdowns of electricity consumers, their start and end time, the amount of reduction of electricity consumption and power, scheduled repairs in electrical networks that cause interruptions in the supply of electricity to consumers;

7) unimpeded access (upon presentation of an official certificate) to the settlement means of commercial metering of electricity, installed at consumer facilities, for visual or automated removal of readings of settlement means of commercial metering;

8) to collect fines and apply other sanctions for late payment of consumed electricity in accordance with the requirements of the legislation;

9) for all types of ensuring the fulfillment of obligations by the consumer to pay for the contractual volumes of electricity consumption in the form and types provided by the legislation of Ukraine;

10) to receive from the consumer compensation for losses associated with the deviation of the consumer from the contractual values of electricity consumption and the amount of capacity for the settlement period (day, month), in accordance with the legislation and the terms of the contract;

11) for compensation of losses caused by actions or inaction of a consumer, other electricity supplier, network owner, small distribution system operator, system operator, provider of commercial accounting services;

12) create the possibility of functioning on the Internet on its own official website of the consumer's personal account;

13) purchase and sale of electricity under bilateral agreements and on organized market segments in order to supply it to consumers and provide demand management services;

14) apply to the system operator for consumer electricity management, including dispatching (in terms of applying changes in volumes and schedules of electricity supply on demand, on the basis of previously concluded agreements, as well as replacement in subsequent periods of electricity supply, which were reduced on demand in previous periods);

15) conducting preliminary negotiations with a potential consumer (in the case of a new connection to the electricity grid or a change of electricity supplier) to verify the possibility of electricity supply, during which it receives:

from the consumer - identification data and EIS-code of the point of commercial accounting;

from the administrator of commercial accounting - in the form of an electronic document information about the state of the consumer's connection and the history of his electricity consumption. If the electricity supplier receives an electronic document from the commercial accounting administrator with information about the inconsistency of the provided consumer identification data with the specified EIC-code of the commercial accounting point to continue the procedure of changing the electricity supplier, the consumer must clarify his personal data through the commercial accounting service provider or system operator;

if there is a debt in the amount of the cost of electricity consumed during the previous two months, terminate the contract for the supply of electricity to the consumer in accordance with its terms;

16) if there is a debt in excess of the cost of electricity consumed during the previous two months, terminate the contract for the supply of electricity to the consumer in accordance with its terms.

2. The electricity supplier is obliged to:

1) enter into agreements binding for the supply of electricity, and comply with the terms of such agreements;

2) to supply electricity at free prices under the contract for the supply of electricity to the consumer and in compliance with these Rules;

3) supply electricity on a non-discriminatory basis;

4) not to apply unfair methods of competition to consumers;

5) ensure the transparency of the terms and conditions of contracts with consumers, which must be clearly stated and accessible to the consumer, not to contain procedural obstacles that restrict the rights of consumers, including to change the electricity supplier;

6) bear financial responsibility in accordance with the agreements concluded in accordance with these Rules;

7) issue contract forms, receipt forms or payment documents free of charge;

8) open current accounts in the institutions of one of the authorized banks with a special mode of use for settlements in accordance with the requirements  Of the Law of Ukraine  "On the electricity market";

9) provide the invoice issued to the consumer of electricity (or in the annexes to it) in the form and manner specified by the Regulator, information on:

the share of each energy source in the overall structure of the balance of electricity purchased by him and / or produced at its own electrical installations for the previous year;

links to available sources of information (web pages, etc.) on the impact on the environment caused by the production of electricity by all energy sources from the balance of electricity purchased by him in the previous year. For electricity purchased on the day-ahead market and / or intraday market, and / or balancing market and / or imported, aggregate electricity balance data provided by the market operator, transmission system operator, importer, respectively, may be used;

addresses, telephone numbers, web pages for information on the submission of appeals, complaints, claims and notifications of threats to electrical safety;

10) provide consumers in the manner prescribed by these Rules, data on their electricity consumption;

11) provide, at the request of the consumer, the information necessary for the transfer of the consumer to another electricity supplier, in accordance with these Rules;

12) provide the consumer with a forecast final bill no later than five days before the date of the change of electricity supplier;

13) notify the commercial accounting operator of the consumer's application with a statement of intent to change the electricity supplier;

14) ensure the functioning of its own official website on the Internet, which, in particular, specify the means of communication, place regulations governing the retail electricity market, according to which the electricity supplier carries out licensed activities, information on the procedure for submission by consumers appeals, complaints, claims, notification of threats to electrical safety and their consideration;

15) provide on its official website the opportunity to create a personal account of the consumer;

16) consider, in accordance with the procedure established by the Regulator, appeals, complaints and claims of consumers regarding the supply of electricity and provide reasoned answers;

17) provide electricity supply services to consumers in compliance with the established indicators of electricity supply quality, which characterize the level of commercial quality of electricity supply services, the list and values of which are approved by the Regulator;

18) publish a list of indicators of the quality of electricity supply, the procedure and amount of compensation for non-compliance, determined by the Regulator;

19) provide compensation and (or) compensation to the consumer in case of non-compliance by the electricity supplier with the quality indicators of services specified in the contract and the Regulator;

20) in a clear and transparent way to inform its consumers:

about the cost and conditions of providing services;

about the order of calculations;

on the right of consumers to elect and change the electricity supplier free of charge and the procedure for such change;

21) inform its consumers about the change of any conditions of the contract for the supply of electricity to the consumer not later than 20 days before their application, taking into account the information about the consumer's right to terminate the contract. If the change in the terms of the contract is a change in the price caused by a change in its component for the payment of electricity distribution / transmission services, the electricity supplier must notify the consumer immediately after receiving a notification from the system operator;

22) prior to concluding the contract for the supply of electricity to the consumer, provide the consumer with information on the essential terms of the contract and on the available choice of the procedure and forms of invoicing and settlements;

23) to form commercial proposals for the sale (consumption) of electricity;

24) in the process of changing the electricity supplier by the consumer to ensure the supply of electricity to the consumer under the terms of the current contract until the termination of the contract for the supply of electricity to the consumer;

25) interact with the system operator on issues of disconnection (restriction) of consumers in the manner prescribed by these Rules and legislation;

26) interact with the system operator on issues of disconnection (restriction) of protected consumers exclusively in the manner prescribed  Law of Ukraine  "On the electricity market", these Rules, and in compliance with the requirements of the procedure for ensuring the supply of electricity to protected consumers, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

27) ensure unimpeded and free access of consumers to information in accordance with  Of the Law of Ukraine  "On the peculiarities of access to information in the areas of electricity supply, natural gas, heat supply, centralized hot water supply, centralized drinking water supply and drainage";

28) transmit to system operators data on readings of calculated electricity meters received from consumers.

5.2.3. The representative of the electricity supplier is obliged to present his / her identity card when taking readings of commercial electricity metering devices and other actions performed in accordance with these Rules.

5.2.4. The electricity supplier shall be liable in the manner prescribed by the legislation of Ukraine for damages caused to the consumer and / or the system operator as a result of violation of the terms of the contract and these Rules.

5.2.5. The electricity supplier shall not be liable for damages caused to the consumer in case of non-compliance with the contractual volumes of electricity supply, if such non-compliance occurred as a result of actions or inaction of the system operator.

5.2.6. The electricity supplier shall not be liable for property damage caused to the consumer or third parties as a result of termination or restriction of electricity supply carried out in accordance with the procedure established by these Rules.

5.2.7. The electricity supplier, unable to supply electricity, must notify the supplier of last resort, consumers, the Regulator and the system operator of the date of termination of electricity supply.

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