The consumer (buyer) of natural gas has the rights and obligations provided by the Civil Code of Ukraine dated 16.01.2003 № 435-15, the Commercial Code of Ukraine №436-15 dated 16.01.2003, the Law of Ukraine “On the natural gas market »№329 from 09.04.2015, Resolution of the NCRECP № 2493 from 30.09.2015“ On approval of the code of gas transmission system of Ukraine ”, Resolution of the NCRECP №2494 from 30.09.2015“ On approval of the code of gas distribution systems of Ukraine ”, Resolution of the NCRECP № 2496 dated 30.09.2015 “On approval of the Rules for the supply of natural gas” (hereinafter - the “Rules for supply”) by other applicable regulations and the terms of the supply contract, in particular, but not exclusively:
The consumer of electric energy has the right:
1) for connection of own electrical installations to the networks of the system operator or other owner of the electric networks in the manner prescribed by the Distribution Systems Code or the Transmission System Code;
2) at the choice of the electricity supplier;
3) to choose commercial offers with different tariff plans;
4) simultaneously have more than one concluded contract for the supply of electricity to the consumer subject to compliance with these Rules of the retail electricity market, approved by the resolution of the NCRECP 2 312 of 14.03.2018 (hereinafter - the Rules) and the Commercial Accounting Code (resolution of the NCRECP №311 of 14.03 .2018). Thus the contract on supply of electric energy to the consumer is concluded between the electric supplier and the consumer and provides delivery of all volume of actual consumption of electric energy by the consumer in a certain period of time by one electric supplier;
5) purchase electricity for own consumption under bilateral agreements under the Market Rules and on organized market segments, provided that it concludes an agreement on settling imbalances and an agreement on providing electricity transmission services with the transmission system operator, and in case of joining the distribution system - additionally agreement on the provision of electricity distribution services with the distribution system operator; or purchase electricity at the retail market from electricity suppliers or producers producing electricity at distributed generation facilities in accordance with these Rules;
6) receive quality services for distribution (transmission), supply and commercial accounting of electricity;
7) change the electricity supplier under the conditions specified by the Law of Ukraine "On the Electricity Market" and these Rules;
8) receive electricity of proper quality in accordance with the terms of the contract and quality standards of electricity;
9) receive information on the quality of electricity, tariffs (prices), payment procedures, conditions and modes of its distribution and consumption;
10) for compensation applied in case of non-compliance with the quality indicators of electricity supply services;
11) for compensation of losses in accordance with the terms of the contract and the legislation of Ukraine, which is applied in case of non-compliance with the indicators of quality of electricity supply services and quality of electricity;
12) to apply to the electricity supplier on the issue of changes in contractual terms in the manner prescribed by these Rules;
13) access to the settlement means of measurement and information installed outside the consumer's facility, which is stored in the primary database of electronic multifunctional means of measurement;
14) to receive from the system operator compensation within the reasonable costs of maintenance of technological electrical networks, which together with the consumer are used by the system operator;
15) receive from the relevant electricity supplier the information provided by the legislation and the terms of the contract for the supply of electricity to the consumer;
16) receive from the relevant electricity supplier a notice of its intention to amend any terms of the contract for the supply of electricity to the consumer no later than 20 days before these changes and in case of disagreement with the proposed changes to terminate the contract with the supplier without payment of penalties for its early termination;
17) to transfer the functions of operation of their electrical installations on the basis of a separate agreement to another organization that has the right to carry out such activities;
18) for the return from the distribution system operator, which distributes electricity to the subconsumer, funds for the distribution of unaccounted electricity by the sub-consumer of electricity, and from the subconsumer - the cost of this electricity;
19) access to information on activities in the electricity market in the manner and to the extent specified in the Market Rules and other regulations governing the functioning of the electricity market;
20) for compensation of losses caused by actions or inaction of a subconsumer, electricity supplier, network owner, small distribution system operator, system operator, commercial accounting service provider.
The household consumer, in addition to the rights specified in paragraphs 1-20 above, is entitled to:
1.1) installation in his private household of a generating installation intended for the production of electricity from solar and / or wind energy, the installed capacity of which does not exceed 30 kW, but not more than the capacity allowed for consumption and specified in the contract (contracts) with consumer, and for the production of electricity from such an installation without a license;
1.2) sale to the universal service provider of electricity produced by a generating installation of a private household, the value of the installed capacity of which does not exceed 30 kW, at a "green" tariff in excess of the monthly electricity consumption by such private households.
The non-household consumer, in addition to the rights specified in paragraphs 1-20 above, has the right to organize additional measurement sites at one address in accordance with the design solutions agreed with the relevant system operator. In this case, the project should exclude the possibility of connection to electrical networks at additional (separate) sites for measuring electrical installations or current collectors, not provided by the project. Household consumers and small non-household consumers have the right to receive universal services in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Electricity Market".
1) use electricity exclusively on the basis of a contract (contracts);
2) pay for electricity and services provided to him in accordance with the concluded agreements;
3) in case of incomplete payment for the consumed electric energy to stop own electric consumption according to conditions of the contract;
4) pay the invoices issued on the basis of acts of violation of these Rules and the terms of the contract;
5) comply with the rules of technical operation, safety rules during the operation of their own electrical installations, regulations governing the functioning of the electricity market, and the terms of contracts;
6) ensure the proper technical condition and safe operation of their electrical installations and appliances in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents and regulations of Ukraine;
7) settle in the manner prescribed by the Code of Distribution Systems and these Rules, relations on technical support of electricity distribution with the distribution system operator by concluding a separate contract for the provision of services to compensate for reactive electricity flows (or in the form of an annex to the consumer contract for distribution of electricity);
8) ensure the preservation and integrity of the settlement means of commercial accounting of electricity and seals (imprints of their brands) installed on its territory and / or object (in its premises) in accordance with the act on sealing;
9) immediately notify the system operator and commercial accounting service provider of deficiencies in the operation of the measuring instrument;
10) coordinate with the system operator new connections and re-equipment of internal wiring, carried out in order to increase electricity consumption;
11) provide settlement documents at the request of representatives of the electricity supplier and / or system operator (after presenting service certificates or after the consumer receives an official request from the relevant retail market participant) to verify the correctness of payment and compliance with their records;
12) provide access to the system operator's representatives (after presenting their service certificates) to the consumer's facility for technical inspection of commercial metering devices (measuring equipment), electrical installations and wiring, measurement of electricity quality indicators, control over the level of electricity consumption , as well as to disconnect and limit the consumption of electricity to the consumer (sub-consumer) in accordance with the procedure established by these Rules and to comply with their reasonable written requirements to eliminate the identified violations, if it is due to the terms of the contract;
13) provide unimpeded access to the representatives of the commercial metering service provider, electricity supplier and / or system operator (upon presentation of service certificates) to the billing means of commercial electricity metering installed at the consumer's facilities for visual or automated readings of billing means commercial accounting;
14) not to interfere with the replacement of commercial accounting means in the event of such replacement at the expense of the commercial accounting service provider or the system operator;
15) not to interfere with the pruning of tree branches growing in the territory belonging to the consumer, to ensure a distance of at least 1 meter from the wires of the overhead line of 0.4 kV and at a distance of 2 meters for power lines of 10 kV;
16) no later than 20 working days before the termination of the use of electricity at the consumer's facility to notify in writing the electricity supplier, system operator and commercial accounting service provider of the termination of contracts and pay for electricity, including the day of departure;
17) ensure unimpeded access to the own electrical installations of the authorized representatives of the relevant executive bodies (after presentation of their service certificates), who are granted the relevant powers in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, as well as comply with their instructions;
18) in case of consumer's choice of tariff or commercial offer, which provides for calculations at tariffs differentiated by time periods (including hours of the day), to ensure the use of appropriate means of differential (hourly) measurement of electricity;
19) timely take appropriate measures to eliminate the identified violations;
20) not to allow unaccounted use of electricity from technological electric networks of the consumer, as well as to compensate losses caused to the system operator and / or consumer (main consumer), in case of detection of unaccounted use of electric energy from technological electric networks of the consumer;
21) calculate and compile the balance of electricity of own networks;
22) maintain their own networks in a condition that meets the requirements of regulatory documents;
23) in the event of a difference between the volumes of electricity distributed at the border of the main consumer and its subconsumers, urgently take organizational and technical measures to eliminate the causes of its occurrence;
24) in case of connection of new subconsumers to own technological electric networks within the allowed (contractual) capacity to inform about it the system operator and the electric supplier and to initiate adjustment of the allowed (contractual) capacity (reduction of the allowed (contractual) capacity by size of the allowed (contractual) capacity );
25) promptly notify the central executive body that implements state policy in the field of supervision (control) in the field of electricity, the central executive body that implements state policy in the field of industrial safety and labor protection, electricity supplier and system operator, as well as those retail participants market, which are registered with the administrator of commercial accounting as providers of commercial accounting services, in accordance with their authority to:
violation of the scheme of settlement metering of electricity, malfunctions of automated metering systems and settlement means of commercial metering that belong to the consumer on the basis of ownership (use) or installed on the territory of the consumer;
violations related to the disconnection of power lines, damage to basic equipment, electric shock to people and animals, as well as fires caused by malfunction of electrical installations of the consumer or electrical installations located on the territory of the consumer;
violation of the conditions of use of the contractual amount of electricity consumption, schedules of restriction of electricity consumption, restrictions
consumption of electric power, emergency shutdowns of consumers of electric energy, special schedules of emergency shutdowns;
detection of unaccounted use of electric energy from technological electric networks of the consumer;
26) before making a final decision on changing the electricity supplier, hold preliminary discussions with the new electricity supplier to determine the possibility of electricity supply.
The non-household consumer, in addition to the duties and responsibilities defined, is obliged to:
1) rational use of electricity, to prevent wasteful (inefficient) use of electricity;
2) maintain electricity quality indicators in their networks in accordance with the indicators specified by the Transmission System Code and the Distribution Systems Code and the terms of the agreement with the system operator;
3) to compensate for the flow of reactive electricity in order to save energy and comply with the quality of electricity;
4) ensure the functioning of its own settlement means of measuring the amount of electricity in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents and passport data of the manufacturer of the relevant means of commercial accounting by concluding an agreement with a provider of commercial accounting services;
5) ensure unimpeded access of the commercial accounting service provider and / or system operator to the database of local data collection and processing equipment to receive and transmit information on the volume and parameters of electricity flows and power consumption;
6) take anti-accident, fire-fighting measures and measures for safe operation of electrical installations;
7) to coordinate with the system operator the change of the category of reliability of power supply and placement of devices of automatic inclusion of reserve (AVR), application of the scheme of automatic inclusion of reserve (AVR) and schemes of automatic frequency unloading (ACHR);
8) within the terms (terms) established by the contract, provide the system operator and the electricity supplier with schedules of electricity consumption and power values;
9) in case of transfer of electric energy to electric networks of other business entities to provide drawing up of balance of electric energy in own technological electric networks for carrying out commercial calculations;
10) in the cases provided for by these Rules, enter into agreements on the provision of services to compensate for the flow of reactive electricity with economic entities and organizations whose electrical installations are connected to the technological technological networks belonging to the consumer;
11) ensure compliance with the established modes of electricity consumption, compliance with the specified amount of restrictions and emergency shutdowns specified in the contract with the system operator;
12) connect at the request of the system operator their current collectors under the action of automatic frequency unloading (ACF) and automatic load disconnection system (ACS);
13) stop the distribution or limit the distribution of electricity to the subconsumer at the reasonable request of the distribution system operator;
14) terminate the distribution or limit the distribution of electricity to the subconsumer at the reasonable request of the electricity supplier, if the main consumer is the owner and / or balance holder of a small distribution system;
15) promptly notify the central executive body that implements state policy in the field of supervision (control) in the field of electricity, the central executive body that implements state policy in the field of industrial safety and labor protection, electricity supplier and system operator in accordance with their powers malfunctions of equipment and devices of relay protection automation (RZA) and devices of automatic frequency unloading (ACHR), which belong to the system operator and are located in the room or in the electrical installations of the consumer;
16) in case of connection of new subconsumers to own technological electric networks within the allowed (contractual) capacity to inform about it the system operator and the electric supplier and in the order established by the Code of distribution systems and the Code of transmission system, to initiate adjustment of the allowed (contractual) capacity. contractual) capacity by the amount of connected capacity of new subconsumers);
17) in case of use of technological electric networks by the distribution system operator to conclude an agreement with him on joint use of technological electric networks.
All categories of consumers have the rights and obligations provided by the current legislation of Ukraine.