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In accordance with the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine, payments for natural gas and / or electricity supplied to the consumer (buyer) are carried out mainly in a non-cash manner by transferring the relevant funds to the current (settlement) account. But depending on the needs and capabilities of the buyer / consumer, taking into account the provisions of current legislation of Ukraine, the supplier has the opportunity to offer the consumer (buyer) of natural gas / electricity his choice of payment by using any bank payment service, online transfer, postal transfer, deposit cash to the supplier's account at the checkout and / or other methods, the approval of which is fair, transparent and non-discriminatory between consumers (buyers).

The procedure for payment of electricity between the supplier and the consumer is carried out in accordance with the terms of the electricity supply contract and must comply with the provisions of the Retail Electricity Market Rules, approved by the Resolution of the NCRECP К 312 of 14.03.2018 (https: //zakon.rada / laws / show / v0312874-18 , hereinafter - the Rules *)

Payments for electricity and services provided in the retail market between the participants of this market are made in cash in accordance with the concluded agreements.

The services of the system operator are paid in accordance with the terms of the consumer's contract with the electricity supplier or the consumer or the electricity supplier to the current account of the system operator specified in the relevant agreements.

The data necessary for the formation of payment documents, including the amount of electricity, are provided to retail market participants by the administrator of commercial accounting in the manner prescribed by the Commercial Accounting Code. On the basis of the received data according to conditions of the contract (the commercial offer chosen by the consumer) the parties make acts of acceptance-transfer of the sold goods and / or the rendered services.

The date of payment on the issued payment document is the date on which the paid amount is credited to the current account with a special mode of use of the electricity supplier or the current account of the distribution system operator, opened in an authorized bank.

Payment to the electricity supplier of the cost of electricity, including on the basis of a recognized claim, is made exclusively by funds to the current account with a special mode of use of the electricity supplier.

A consumer who buys electricity in accordance with the terms of the contract from the electricity supplier shall make payment on the invoice issued by the electricity supplier exclusively to the current account with a special mode of use of this electricity supplier in one of the authorized banks.

If the consumer transfers funds for electricity to another account of the electricity supplier, the latter must return these funds at the request of the consumer or on his own initiative within three days from the date of receipt or from the date of receipt of information from the consumer's bank details.

Payment for electricity is made by the consumer based on the terms of the relevant contract for the supply of electricity and may, in particular, be in the form of:

planned payments with the subsequent recalculation (final calculation), which is made for the actually released electricity in accordance with the data of commercial accounting;

prepayment with the final settlement, which is made for the actually released electricity in accordance with the data of commercial accounting;

payment for actually released electricity in accordance with commercial accounting data.

If the appropriate equipment is available, payment can be made using a prepaid card.

The form and procedure of payment, terms (terms) of advance payment, scheduled payments and final settlement are specified in the contract between the electricity supplier and the consumer on the supply of electricity to the consumer (commercial offer to the contract).

In case of application of the procedure of settlements by planned payments, the amount of the planned payment (or the procedure of its determination), terms of implementation of planned payments and final settlement, beginning and duration of settlement period, number of planning periods included in settlement period and their duration are indicated in the supplier's commercial offer. .

After the end of the billing period stipulated in the commercial offer, the amount of payment made during this billing period shall be adjusted in accordance with the actual amount of electricity consumed during the relevant billing period.

Based on the results of the adjustment, the first scheduled payment of the next billing period is increased or decreased by the appropriate amount.

In the case of supply of electricity by a universal service provider or "last resort", the consumer by mutual consent of the parties (electricity supplier and consumer) may pay for the consumed electricity in the form of prepayment.

Household consumers and business entities, the subject of which is the provision of housing and communal services to the population, within the services provided to the population, institutions and organizations, which are maintained at the expense of funds (contributions), make full payment of electricity consumption, usually , once on the actual readings of commercial electricity metering at the beginning of the period following the settlement, in accordance with the contract for the supply of electricity to the consumer.

The choice of the type of tariff is made by the consumer when choosing a commercial offer and can be changed by choosing another commercial offer of the current electricity supplier in the manner prescribed by the electricity supplier or by concluding a contract with another electricity supplier in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

Settlements between the consumer and the electricity supplier (other retail market participants, if they participate in the settlements) are made in accordance with the data received from the commercial accounting administrator in the manner prescribed by the Commercial Accounting Code, the amount of supplied, distributed (transmitted) and purchased electricity. Payment for electricity consumed during the settlement period shall be made no later than the 20th day of the following month, unless otherwise agreed in the contract.

The bill for consumed electricity is paid:

within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the invoice by a non-household consumer;

within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the bill by the household consumer;

in another term provided by the contract, but not later than 20 calendar days after the end of the settlement period.

To make payments for the actual electricity consumed, the electricity supplier must generate and issue to the consumer a payment document in paper or electronic form (in case of consumer consent to receive an electronic payment document), based on commercial accounting data obtained in the Commercial Accounting Code.

The payment document is formed by the electricity supplier for the amount of electricity in accordance with the selected commercial offer to the contract for the supply of electricity to the consumer.

Payment documents are provided by electricity suppliers to consumers free of charge.

Payment documents for payment are provided to consumers by e-mail, facsimile, mail, courier or other means using information technology in the electronic document management system in the manner prescribed by the contract for the supply of electricity to the consumer.

Requirements for the procedure and form of providing information in the payment documents of the electricity supplier are set out in section IX of the Rules.

The electricity supplier may offer the consumer payment for electricity in scheduled decadal or monthly payments. In the case of payment by scheduled payments or payment by payment documents issued by the consumer, the electricity supplier periodically (according to the terms of the contract (selected by the consumer commercial offer) once a month, 2, 3 or 6 months) recalculates the actual electricity consumed and provides the consumer with corrective payment document.

No penalty shall be charged for deviations of the amounts accrued during the recalculation for the actually consumed electricity from the amounts of the credited payments.

For late payment of the stipulated by the contract (commercial offer) payments over the stipulated term the consumer pays a penalty (penalty) and other payments according to the legislation and the contract.

In this case, disconnection of the electrical installation can be applied only in case of non-payment of used (consumed) electricity.

In the event of a change in electricity tariffs (prices), the payment of the debt shall be made at the tariffs (prices) in force during the period for which the debt is paid.

The consumer's payments for electricity are made for the billing period, which is usually a calendar month in accordance with the terms of the contract (the commercial offer chosen by the consumer).

By mutual agreement of the parties, payment documents may be issued and paid for less than once a month if payment is made for a longer settlement period or consumption during a specific settlement period is below or equal to zero, or more often than once a month if the parties need to ensure uniform transfer of significant amounts of funds during the settlement period. Such consent, if it was not provided for at the time of concluding the contract, shall be formalized by an additional agreement to the contract.

If a new contract is concluded, the first billing period begins on the day of the beginning of electricity supply and ends on the last day of the respective calendar month. In case of termination of the contract, the settlement period for the last payment starts from the first day of the last calendar month of electricity supply and ends on the last day of electricity supply.

Payment for electricity consumed during the settlement period must be made in accordance with the terms established by the contract and the payment document formed by the relevant participant of the retail market. These terms may not be less than 5 days from the date of submission of the payment document to the consumer.

Payment on the relevant payment document can be made at the choice of the consumer:

cash or payment card or non-cash funds in customer service centers, banks or through other direct payment services;

using the Internet (Internet banking);

otherwise not prohibited by applicable law.

In case of tariff change, the excess (overpayment) of paid but not consumed electricity is credited to the consumer's personal account as an advance payment under the new tariffs in the next billing period.

If the consumer has not paid the final bill for the consumed electricity, neither the electricity supplier nor the system operator shall limit their rights to terminate the electricity supply or distribution (transmission) to such consumer in accordance with these Rules.

In case of vacating the premises and / or final cessation of electricity use, the consumer is obliged to notify the electricity supplier and the system operator or the main consumer of the intention to terminate the relevant agreements no later than 20 working days before the vacating premises and / or final cessation of electricity use. submit an application for termination of contracts and within the same period to make payment of all types of payments provided for in the relevant agreements, until the day declared by the consumer to vacate the premises and / or the final termination of electricity use inclusive.

Contracts may be terminated prematurely by the electricity supplier and / or the system operator in case of receipt of documentary confirmation of the fact of change of the owner of the object. In this case, the relevant agreements terminate in terms of supply and distribution of electricity to the facility, and in terms of fulfillment of financial obligations of the parties (which arose on the date of termination of contracts) continue to operate until the date of full settlement between the parties.

In case of non-notification or untimely notification by the consumer of the electricity supplier and (in case of the relevant agreement) of the system operator or the main consumer about vacating the premises and / or final termination of electricity use, the consumer is obliged to pay for electricity and other payments. under the terms of the relevant agreements.

Contracts are concluded with a new consumer in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine, in particular these Rules, after the termination of contracts with the consumer who vacates the premises.

Payment for services provided by the system operator is made at the rates set by the Regulator in accordance with the methodology approved by it. Tariffs for the services of the system operator shall be published by the system operators in accordance with the procedure and terms determined by the normative legal acts regulating the functioning of the electricity market.

The procedure for payment by the consumer for the services of the system operator and the services of the commercial accounting service provider must comply with the settlement procedure defined in the concluded contract on electricity supply to the consumer (commercial proposal, which is an annex to this contract).

Payment for the services of the system operator in accordance with the concluded agreement on the provision of electricity distribution services between the electricity supplier and the system operator shall be made in the form of advance payment.

The electricity supplier shall also include in the single electricity payment document the amounts of payment for the services of the system operator, if such payment is provided by the electricity supplier, and the services of the commercial accounting service provider, if payment for these services is provided by the electricity supplier. Information on these payments must be provided separately in accordance with the tariffs (prices) for the services of the relevant retail market participants.

In case of non-compliance by the system operator with electricity quality indicators and uninterrupted power supply according to the results of measurements carried out in the prescribed manner, the consumer's payment for relevant services to the system operator is reduced in the manner prescribed by the Regulator.

Consumers who, in accordance with the methodology approved by the central executive body, which ensures the formation and implementation of state policy in the electricity sector, are obliged to pay for the flow of reactive electricity, pay a fee for the flow of reactive electricity to the current account of the system operator. carrying out licensed activity of which electrical installations of consumers are connected, according to conditions of the contract on rendering of services on maintenance of flows of jet electric energy which can be an appendix to the contract of the consumer on distribution (transmission) of electric energy.

The conditions of participation of these consumers in the daily regulation of reactive power balances in the electrical networks of the system operator, if necessary, are also specified in this agreement.

Disputes arising between the relevant participants in the retail market for electricity bills, services provided by the system operator or commercial accounting service provider shall be resolved by the parties to the agreements in the manner prescribed by law, including through negotiations or in court.

* if the current legislation establishes other requirements for the procedure for payment for electricity. current legislation of Ukraine.

You can get more detailed information on the method and conditions of payment for natural gas / electricity offered for delivery by contacting our employees at the contact phone number listed on the website or by sending a letter (request) to the official e-mail address of CAPITAL-ALLIANCE LLC ”.


Example-explanation of invoicing with an explanation of each element of the invoice

The shares of each energy source in the overall structure of the electricity balance


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